Day Eight: Ultimate Frisbee, Art Attack and Digital Photography

Hey, hope you’re all ok and had a great weekend. Sorry this post has been a bit longer in coming than I had hoped, time seems to be escaping me at the moment.

I’ve heard that the weekend’s various events were successful and if you went to anything please write a review/comment, no matter how big or small, it will go up here with any pictures you might have.

So, back to this week. Well, I’m feeling revitalised and ready for week two and it should have started off with a bang this morning as the Ultimate Frisbee event was held, but…I missed it! Unfortunately, there was a change in times and I arrived just after it had finished so I didn’t get any pics, but I did grab an interview with the lads who hosted it (Andrew Leat, Duncan Wolverson, Jerry Crotton, Kyle Shephard) and this will be up later on.

I think that it wasn’t as much of a success as they had hoped because timetable clashes and a change of time meant that only one person turned up, but they are hopeful that if they do it again they will be given a better slot and as you will hear in the interview, they hope to turn create a club and will be advertising it on Facebook, so keep an ear out if you are interested.

Next on my list of events was Art Attack, which took place in the SU. To be honest, you couldn’t really miss it as Fern Bennett, Chloe Duckett and Rachael Patan (all 1st year Journalism students) had created a giant clown face on the floor, which looked terrific if you looked down from the Atrium.

It’s still there now, so take a look if you’re heading through and if you don’t catch it before it goes, some pics and an interview with the girls who made it will be going up tomorrow.

Next, I headed off to the Digital Photography masterclass being hosted by the SU’s Media Officer, Andy Squire. Although there were a few issues with rooms and some technology problems, we were soon off in small groups heading around the university with one task – trying to take photographs of objects that look like letters of the alphabet.

So for instance, we had a spiral staircase that resembled an ‘s’. It was a really fun task and I’m pleased to say the group I was in managed to find suitable objects that covered every letter!

But, there was a reason behind us doing all this. Andy wanted us to look at objects in a different way and it worked because I wasn’t just looking a chair, I was looking at something that resembled a ‘c’ or a ‘h’.

Sadly, the Stage Make-Up workshop was cancelled so I have nothing more to report for Monday.

A quick update on today was the French Language workshop I attended, but I’m going to fill you in on that one tomorrow, along with all the other fantastic things I have on my list, including Indian Head Massage and Belly Dancing!

Also, I’ll be uploading photos and interviews tomorrow so keep an eye out.

But for now I’ll say goodbye.

Night. x

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